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Effect of secretogogues on mucosal blood flow in the antrum and corpus of the stomach.
  1. T V Taylor,
  2. B R Pullan,
  3. J Goddard,
  4. B Torrance


    Gastric mucosal blood flow in the rat was determined by the indicator fractionation technique of Sapirstein using Rb86Cl. Antral and corpus flow rates were determined in response to increasing doses of pentagastrin and histamine and the effect of vagotomy was determined. With progressive stimulation the antral:corpus flow ratio increased with both stimulants; however, vagotomy and noradrenaline reduced blood flow in both areas of mucosa. It is concluded that the antrum, as well as the corpus, actively responds to secretory stimulants by an increase in mucosal blood flow and support is provided for the theory that the antrum plays an active role in the control of parietal cell blood flow and secretion.

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