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Injection sclerotherapy for oesophageal varices: a prospective randomised trial of different treatment schedules.
  1. D Westaby,
  2. W M Melia,
  3. B R Macdougall,
  4. J E Hegarty,
  5. R Williams


    A prospective randomised study to compare the efficacy and complications of injection sclerotherapy carried out at intervals of one week and three weeks up to the time obliteration of varices was achieved, was undertaken in 55 patients (48 cirrhosis, six portal vein thrombosis, one nodular regenerative hyperplasia). The number of courses of injection required for obliteration of the varices was not different in the two groups and despite a shorter time scale for obliteration in the weekly treated patients the frequency with which further episodes of bleeding occurred before that was not significantly less. Mucosal ulceration during the period required for obliteration was observed at endoscopy more frequently in the weekly treated patients but was not associated with a greater frequency of postinjection pain, dysphagia or of long term stricture formation.

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