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Bradykinin in carcinoid syndrome.
  1. J Gustafsen,
  2. S Boesby,
  3. F Nielsen,
  4. J Giese
  1. Department of Surgical Gastroenterology C, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.


    Bradykinin concentrations in peripheral venous blood were measured in seven patients with carcinoid syndrome. The diagnosis was based on typical symptoms and raised urinary excretion of 5-hydroxy-3-indole acetic acid; the carcinoid tumour was verified histologically. Two patients were flushing constantly and the other patients had flushing attacks two to 10 times daily. Several blood samples were taken at weekly intervals from six of seven patients. During 30 sampling procedures the patients were flushing during sampling in 12 instances. Bradykinin was measured by a sensitive solid phase radioimmunoassay technique. Blood bradykinin concentration was normal in all patients. Bradykinin is unlikely to be the vasoactive mediator of flushing.

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