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Pathogenesis of the mucosal hyperplasia in self-filling blind loops of rat jejunum: a morphometric study in germ free animals.
  1. H Menge,
  2. C T Germer,
  3. R Stössel,
  4. G Simes,
  5. H Hahn,
  6. E O Riecken
  1. Klinikum Steglitz, Abteilung für innere Medizin mit Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie, Freie Universität, Berlin, FRG.


    Bacterial overgrowth and high intraluminal concentrations of deconjugated bile acids are thought to be responsible for mucosal hyperplasia in self-filling blind loops of rat jejunum. To investigate this hypothesis further we have assessed the three dimensional architecture of these loops created in germ free animals without or with di- or mono-association of different bacterial species. It was found that mucosal hyperplasia develops in the absence of any bacterial contamination and that bacterial association does not lead to a more pronounced mucosal proliferation. This implies that other mechanisms provoke this morphological phenomenon. Increased bulk contents in these loops or immunological events are probably the most likely explanation.

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