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Studies on the pathogenesis of the early dumping syndrome induced by intraduodenal instillation of hypertonic glucose.
  1. J A Snook,
  2. A D Wells,
  3. D R Prytherch,
  4. D H Evans,
  5. S R Bloom,
  6. D G Colin-Jones
  1. Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, Hampshire.


    A reaction indistinguishable from the early dumping syndrome was induced in four of nine normal volunteers by intraduodenal instillation of a hypertonic glucose meal. Tachycardia and marked peripheral vasodilatation were demonstrated in 'dumpers' by Doppler ultrasound measurements of the arterial blood flow signal. The dumping reaction was not detectably altered by the addition of guar to the meal. Plasma VIP concentration rose and plasma volume fell to a similar degree in 'dumpers' and 'non-dumpers', suggesting that neither event is an integral component of the dumping mechanism. In contrast, the rates of rise of blood glucose and enteroglucagon concentration were markedly greater in 'dumpers'. The results are inconsistent with the conventional explanation that the early dumping syndrome is caused by a large osmotic fluid shift, but are compatible with a mechanism involving an initial period of intestinal hypermotility.

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