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Predictors of variceal bleeding: an analysis of clinical, endoscopic, and haemodynamic variables, with special reference to intravariceal pressure.
  1. S K Sarin,
  2. K R Sundaram,
  3. R K Ahuja
  1. Department of Gastroenterology, G B Pant Hospital, New Delhi, India.


    To assist in the prediction of variceal bleeding we examined 12 clinical, endoscopic and haemodynamic variables in 126 patients with portal hypertension (72 bleeders and 54 non-bleeders). Multiple regression and discriminant analysis were utilised for 101 patients. Stepwise regression among the 12 variables explained only 54% of the variability existing between bleeders and non-bleeders. Six of the 12 variables accounted for 51% of the total bleeder/non-bleeder variability. A predicting equation was evolved [Yp = -0.60 + 0.19 X1 (colour of varices) + 0.16 X2 (cherry red spots) + 0.03 X3 (red wale, markings) + 0.01 X4 (haematocystic spots) + 0.15 X5 (Conn's grading of variceal size) + 0.03 X6 (intravariceal pressure)]. Of the six variables used, variceal size indicated 35%, and intravariceal pressure accounted for 12%, of the explained variability between bleeders and non-bleeders. The presence of the three red colour signs and the colour of the varices accounted for only 3% and 1% respectively of the total explained variation. Using the discriminant function analysis, we were able to correctly identify 85% of the bleeders and 81% of the non-bleeders. Additional studies are required to detect the variables responsible for the unexplained variability (46%) between bleeders and non-bleeders.

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