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Elemental diet in the management of Crohn's disease during pregnancy.
  1. K Teahon,
  2. M Pearson,
  3. A J Levi,
  4. I Bjarnason
  1. Section of Gastroenterology, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Middlesex.


    Four patients with Crohn's disease were treated with an elemental diet during pregnancy. Two had active disease and two also had symptoms of small intestinal obstruction. All went into a clinical remission within a few days of starting treatment. Treatment periods varied from two to four weeks, and were followed by elemental diet as a supplement to normal food in two patients. At term, all delivered a healthy infant. These patients indicate that elemental diet is a safe form of treatment for Crohn's disease during pregnancy and may be considered as an alternative to conventional drug treatments which carry a theoretical risk of teratogenesis.

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