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Dieulafoy's disease: endoscopic treatment and follow up.
  1. B Baettig,
  2. W Haecki,
  3. F Lammer,
  4. R Jost
  1. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland.


    The findings from 480 patients who had emergency endoscopy for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding of non-variceal origin at our institution were analysed. Twenty eight patients (5.8%) had a Dieulafoy lesion. In 27 patients (96.4%) bleeding could be successfully managed by injection of norepinephrine and polidocanol, in repeated sessions if needed. Two patients had to be treated surgically: one because of uncontrollable bleeding from the Dieulafoy lesion and one despite endoscopic control of the bleeding Dieulafoy lesion because of a concomitant bleeding from an anastomosal ulcer after gastric resection. Three patients died during hospital stay from causes unrelated to bleeding from Dieulafoy lesion. Out of the 25 patients discharged from the hospital 21 treated by endoscopy and two treated with surgery were followed up for a mean of 28.3 and 22.5 months, respectively. Twenty endoscopically treated patients (95%) had no recurrence of Dieulafoy's bleeding. One patient experienced severe rebleeding from the original site after a transient endoscopy confirmed complete disappearance. He had emergency operation without a further attempt to control bleeding by endoscopy. It is concluded that bleeding from Dieulafoy's disease can be successfully managed by endoscopic injection treatment. The longterm outcome is favourable.

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