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Clinical and histological evaluation of interferon alfa-2b in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
  1. C Panella,
  2. A Francavilla,
  3. D Conte,
  4. I Tatulli,
  5. F Rubini
  1. Department of Gastroenterology, University of Bari, Italy.


    In a study of 37 patients with hepatitis C (proved histologically) positive chronic hepatitis, a correlation was seen between clinical efficacy and histological improvement after treatment with interferon alfa-2b (3 million units (MU) three times a week for six months plus six months' follow up). Alanine aminotransferase activities became normal in 18 (48%) patients during treatment; at the end of follow up eight (45%) had a continued response to the treatment. Paired liver biopsy specimens showed marked improvements in Knodell index score and portal inflammation in these patients.

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