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Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with recombinant interferon alfa-2b.
  1. M Piazza,
  2. R Orlando,
  3. G Tosone,
  4. D Tiseo,
  5. M C Conte,
  6. F Minervini,
  7. G Santoro,
  8. F Scordino,
  9. D Vitale
  1. Department of Infectious Diseases, II Medical School, University of Naples, Italy.


    In a study of 87 patients with chronic hepatitis C, 12 months' treatment with interferon alfa-2b at a dose of 6 million units (MU) three times per week seemed to be more effective than treatment with 3 MU three times a week for two months plus 1.5 MU three times a week for 10 months in increasing the percentage of long term responders. The percentage of patients in whom alanine amino-transferase activities returned to normal was highest in the 6 MU group, as was the percentage of responders who sustained this normal activity after treatment. Side effects were moderate and self-limited in most patients.

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