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Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with recombinant interferon alfa-2b for nine months.
  1. R Pérez,
  2. R Pravia,
  3. A Linares,
  4. M González,
  5. M Rodríguez,
  6. J L Lombraña,
  7. S Riestra,
  8. A Suárez,
  9. L Rodrigo
  1. Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital Central de Asturias, School of Medicine, Oviedo, Spain.


    This randomised, controlled trial was designed to assess the response to a nine month course of interferon (IFN) alfa-2b, starting with a higher than usual dose. Forty eight patients received IFN 5 million units (MU) three times a week for eight weeks followed by 3 MU three times weekly for seven months; 25 patients in the control group received no treatment. The overall response to treatment was 68.7%, an improvement over other studies, but the high rate of relapse (85% in patients who responded) suggested that a nine month treatment period was insufficient in most cases. Histological improvement was seen in more than 80% of responders to interferon, including a reduction in inflammatory activity, necrosis, and fibrosis.

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