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Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with duodenal ulcer lowers basal and peak acid outputs to gastrin releasing peptide and pentagastrin.
  1. A W Harris,
  2. P A Gummett,
  3. J J Misiewicz,
  4. J H Baron
  1. Parkside Helicobacter Study Group, Central Middlesex Hospital, London.


    BACKGROUND--Patients with duodenal ulcer (DU) have high basal (BAO) and peak (PAO) acid outputs. The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on these variables is unclear. AIM--To discover if gastric acid hypersecretion in patients with DU is caused by H pylori. PATIENTS AND METHODS--BAO, gastrin releasing peptide (GRP), and pentagastrin stimulated PAO in 10 H pylori negative controls, and in 10 H pylori positive patients with DU was measured before and six months after H pylori eradication. H pylori status was determined by histology, culture, and by the 13C-urea breath test. After collecting a 30 minute basal aspirate, GRP 40 pmol/kg/h was infused for 45 minutes, and after a 30 minute washout, pentagastrin 6 micrograms/kg was injected intramuscularly. RESULTS--Basal and stimulated acid output (PAOGRP and PAOPg) were significantly higher in H pylori positive DU than in H pylori negative controls. Six months after H pylori eradication, basal and stimulated acid outputs were all significantly lower than before H pylori eradication. CONCLUSIONS--This study has shown that BAO, PAOGRP, and PAOPg are higher in H pylori positive DU than in H pylori negative controls. All decreased significantly six months after H pylori eradication, to fall within the range of controls. These results are compatible with a hypothesis that acid hypersecretion in duodenal ulcer disease is caused by H pylori infection.

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