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Role of lipase in the regulation of postprandial gastric acid secretion and emptying of fat in humans: a study with orlistat, a highly specific lipase inhibitor
  1. J Borovicka,
  2. W Schwizer,
  3. G Guttmann,
  4. D Hartmann,
  5. M Kosinski,
  6. C Wastiel,
  7. A Bischof-Delaloye,
  8. M Fried
  1. Gastroenterology and Nuclear Medicine Departments, University Hospitals, Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland. Institute of Applied Radiophysics, Lausanne and Hoffmann-LaRoche, Basel, Switzerland
  1. Dr Michael Fried, Division of Gastroenterology, Departement für Innere Medizin, Universitätsspital Zürich, CH-8091 Zürich, Switzerland


BACKGROUND AND AIMS To investigate the importance of lipase on gastric functions, we studied the effects of orlistat, a potent and specific inhibitor of lipase, on postprandial gastric acidity and gastric emptying of fat.

METHODS Fourteen healthy volunteers participated in a double blind, placebo controlled, randomised study. In a two way cross over study with two test periods of five days, separated by at least 14 days, orlistat 120 mg three times daily or placebo was given with standardised daily meals. In previous experiments we found that this dose almost completely inhibited postprandial duodenal lipase activity. Subjects underwent 28 hour intragastric pH-metry on day 4, and a gastric emptying study with a mixed meal (800 kcal) labelled with 999mTc sulphur colloid (solids) and 111Inthiocyanate (fat) on day 5. Gastric pH data were analysed for three postprandial hours and the interdigestive periods.

RESULTS Orlistat inhibited almost completely (by 75%) lipase activity and accelerated gastric emptying of both the solid (by 52%) and fat (by 44%) phases of the mixed meal (p<0.03). Orlistat increased postprandial gastric acidity (from a median pH of 3.3 to 2.7; p<0.01). Postprandial cholecystokinin release was lower with orlistat (p<0.03).

CONCLUSION Lipase has an important role in the regulation of postprandial gastric acid secretion and fat emptying in humans. These effects might be explained by lipolysis induced release of cholecystokinin.

  • lipase
  • orlistat
  • gastric secretion
  • gastric emptying
  • pH-metry

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  • Abbreviations used in this paper:
    pancreatic lipase
    polyethylene glycol
    area under the curve