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Mother to child transmission of anti- S cerevisiae mannan antibodies (ASCA) in non-IBD families
  2. B SENDID,
  4. PM DANZE,
  1. Laboratoire de Mycologie
  2. Fondamentale et Appliquée
  3. Equipe INSERM 99-15
  4. Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Maladies
  5. Inflammatoires Intestinales (CRI 4U004B)
  6. Unité fonctionnelle de génotypage HLA
  7. CH et U Lille, 59037, France
  1. J F Colombel. jfcolombel{at}

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Editor,—We enjoyed the recent study by Sutton and colleagues (Gut2000;46:58–63) which confirmed our previous findings that elevated anti-S cerevisiaemannan antibodies (ASCA) are a familial trait in Crohn's disease.1 The lack of concordance in marital pairs indicated that familiality may be due to either a genetic factor or childhood environmental exposure. ASCA are present in 50–60% of patients with Crohn's disease, in 10–15% of patients with ulcerative colitis, and in 2–5% of control subjects.2-5 To gain more information on concordance for ASCA among family members, we studied ASCA distribution in non-inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) families.

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