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Aim: To ascertain demographic and clinical characteristics, healthcare utilisation and impact of disease on lifestyle/productivity in community patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Methods: Anonymised structured questionnaires were mailed to all NACC members in the Bromley and Dartford area with IBD in March 2000. Data was collected on demography, type of IBD, duration of IBD and nature of specialist care. Annual frequency of consultations in primary/secondary care, hospitalisations for IBD, frequency of radiological/endoscopic investigations, surgical operation rates, use of medications/complimentary therapy was also ascertained. The impact of IBD on lifestyle/productivity was also determined.
Results: 107 out of 266 patients with IBD responded (40% response rate). Mean duration of NACC membership 6.1yrs. Sex (M:F) 38:69. Age n(%): <40yrs 39(36%), 40–70yrs 47(44%), >70yrs 18(17%). 14(13%) smoked regularly. 60(56%) had ulcerative colitis(UC), 44(41%) had Crohn's disease (CD). Mean duration of illness was 12.6yrs [UC vs CD; 9.8 vs 16.7, p=0.0056]. 84(79%) were under Gastroenterologist care and 24(22%) under surgical care. In addition 10(9%) were under other specialities for complications. Use of healthcare resources: In previous 12 months, mean frequency of visits to GP was 2.2, (range 0–16) and to hospital specialists 2.2, (range 0–14). Frequency of …