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Coeliac disease in the father affects the newborn
  1. J F Ludvigssona,b,
  2. J Ludvigssona,b
  1. aPaediatric Department, Örebro Medical Centre Hospital, Sweden, bDivision of Paediatrics, Department of Health and Environment, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden
  1. Dr J F Ludvigsson, Paediatric Department, Örebro Medical Centre Hospital, 701 85 Örebro, Sweden. jonasludvigsson{at}


BACKGROUND AND AIMS Untreated coeliac disease in the mother is associated with lower birth weight. We examined the risk of adverse neonatal outcome when the infant's mother, father, or other relative suffered from known coeliac disease.

METHODS Mothers answered a questionnaire a few days after the birth of their infant. Of a total of 10597 single birth infants from Southeast Sweden, 53 infants had a mother with coeliac disease (father 27, sibling 70, other close relative 442). Adjusted odds ratios and adjusted differences for neonatal outcome were calculated.

RESULTS Infants whose father suffered from coeliac disease had a lower birth weight (95% adjusted confidence interval (CI) −459, −72 g), more often belonged to the low birth weight (LBW) category (LBW ⩽2499 g) (95% CI adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 1.48–17.18), and had a shorter pregnancy duration (95% adjusted CI −1.53, −0.08 weeks) than non-coeliac controls. They also weighed less than infants whose father suffered from other autoimmune diseases (95% CI −549, −93 g). Infants whose mother suffered from coeliac disease had a lower birth weight (95% adjusted CI −370, −74 g) and more often belonged to the LBW category (95% CI AOR 2.60–15.08) than non-coeliac controls. These infants were more often in the LBW category than infants whose mother suffered from non-diabetic autoimmune diseases (95% CI AOR 1.24–9.65). Coeliac disease in other relatives was not associated with any adverse effect on neonatal outcome.

CONCLUSIONS This study suggests that even treated coeliac disease, in either of the parents, has a negative effect on pregnancy, resulting in lower birth weight and perhaps shorter duration of pregnancy.

  • coeliac disease
  • mother
  • father
  • newborn
  • birth weight
  • Abbreviations used in this paper

    coeliac disease
    mother with coeliac disease
    father with coeliac disease
    sibling with coeliac disease
    other close relative with coeliac disease (grandparents). MCD, FCD, SCD RCD infants, infants whose mother, father, sibling, or relative suffered from coeliac disease, respectively
    adjusted odds ratio
    Ajd diff
    adjusted difference
    low birth weight
  • Statistics from

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  • Abbreviations used in this paper

    coeliac disease
    mother with coeliac disease
    father with coeliac disease
    sibling with coeliac disease
    other close relative with coeliac disease (grandparents). MCD, FCD, SCD RCD infants, infants whose mother, father, sibling, or relative suffered from coeliac disease, respectively
    adjusted odds ratio
    Ajd diff
    adjusted difference
    low birth weight
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