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Helicobacter pylori and two ultrastructurally distinct layers of gastric mucous cell mucins in the surface mucous gel layer


BACKGROUND AND AIMS Helicobacter pylori locate not only on the apical surface of surface mucous cells but also in the mucous gel layer covering the gastric mucosa. The present study was undertaken to observe the mucous gel layer itself and any H pylori in this layer at the electron microscopic level, and to determine whether H pylori proliferate in this layer.

METHODS We examined resected human stomachs (five cases, fixed in Carnoy's solution, paraffin embedded) under the light microscope, and gastric biopsy specimens (10 cases, fixed in glutaraldehyde with or without osmium, epoxy embedded) under the electron microscope. We performed histochemical staining for gastric mucins and immunostaining forH pylori, gastric gland mucous type mucins, and intestinal mucins.

RESULTS Under the electron microscope, surface mucous cell type mucins and gland mucous cell type mucins in the mucous gel layer covering gastric mucosa without intestinal metaplasia showed reticular and band like structures, respectively. H pylori were frequently found as small aggregates within the mucous gel layer of surface mucous cell type mucins, and H pyloriwithin these aggregates were seen dividing.H pylori were frequently found in the mucous gel layer of the surface mucous cell type mucins along the border with the layer of gland mucous cell mucins. Occasionally, H pylori were trapped by frayed thin threads of the gland mucous cell type mucins.

CONCLUSIONS The two types of gastric mucins in the mucous gel layer differ in ultrastructure. H pylori preferentially colonise and form microcolonies within the mucous gel layer of surface mucous cell type mucins. Mucins from gland mucous cells may disturb the movement of H pylori within the mucous gel layer.

  • gastric mucin
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • immunohistochemistry
  • surface mucous gel layer
  • Abbreviations used in this paper

    galactose oxidase/thionine Schiff reaction/paradoxical concanavalin A staining
    surface mucous gel layer
  • Statistics from

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  • Abbreviations used in this paper

    galactose oxidase/thionine Schiff reaction/paradoxical concanavalin A staining
    surface mucous gel layer
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