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The changing scope of colorectal cancer
  1. J S White1,
  2. K Mc Callion1,
  3. K R Gardiner1,
  4. R M S Mitchell2,
  5. RG P Watson2,
  6. J S A Collins2,
  7. R H Wilson3,
  8. F Kee4
  1. 1Department of Surgery, Royal Victoria and Belvoir Park Hospitals, the Queen's University of Belfast, UK
  2. 2Department of Medicine, Royal Victoria and Belvoir Park Hospitals, the Queen's University of Belfast, UK
  3. 3Department of Oncology, Royal Victoria and Belvoir Park Hospitals, the Queen's University of Belfast, UK
  4. 4Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Royal Victoria and Belvoir Park Hospitals, the Queen's University of Belfast, UK

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We read with great interest the commentary by Boland and Savides (Gut 2001;48:449–50) on our paper “Flexible sigmoidoscopy and the changing distribution of colorectal cancer: implications for screening” (Gut 2001;48:522–5). The authors make several important points about the changing pattern of distribution of colorectal cancer and the possible reasons for the changes we observed. Our data showed an increased percentage of colorectal cancers diagnosed …

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