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Endoscopic surveillance in Barrett’s oesophagus
  1. J Ryan1
  1. 1Brighton Gastroenterology Associates, 2 Church St, Brighton, Victoria 3186, Australia;

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I read with interest the debate on endoscopic surveillance in Barrett’s oesophagus (Gut 2002;51:313–14, 314–15). My reading of the literature supports the view of Dr Playford—there is insufficient evidence to justify surveillance endoscopy in this condition.

I am always interested in the uses and misuses of statistical data to support a personal view, and to that end I have some questions that should be honestly answered by those advocating screening: firstly, where is the evidence, prospectively collected, that shows that Barrett’s oesophagus is a consequence of acid reflux disease? The quoted references do not support this allegation. Secondly, I believe that it is deliberately obfuscatory to liken Barrett’s oesophagus to a colonic polyp in terms of malignant potential—abundant evidence supports the role of screening in the latter common condition. Lastly, this issue …

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