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“Cannabis hyperemesis” causation questioned
  1. A Byrne1,
  2. R Hallinan1,
  3. A Wodak2
  1. 1Byrne Surgery, Sydney, Australia
  2. 2St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr A Byrne
    Byrne Surgery, 75 Redfern St, Redfern, 2016, Sydney, Australia; ajbyrne{at}

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The authors describe a number of cases of a bizarre syndrome of severe vomiting, abdominal symptoms leading to dehydration, in combination with repetitive bathing behaviour (Gut 2004;53:1566–70). They have concluded that these symptoms are due to cannabis use.

Cannabis has been consumed for many centuries and is currently used by millions of people in many countries. It is hard to believe that a distinctive syndrome caused by cannabis has never been noted before by users or clinicians. …

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  • Dr Wodak is President of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation which supports the taxation and regulation of cannabis.


  • Conflict of interest: None declared.