Table of contents
April 2009 - Volume 58 - 4
- Digest (18 March, 2009)
Leading article
- Recent advances in coeliac disease genetics (18 March, 2009)
Editor’s quiz
- Bloody diarrhoea in a 54-year-old Arab patient (18 March, 2009)
- Does old age cause abdominal pain? (18 March, 2009)
- “Odd-looking” oesophageal varices (18 March, 2009)
- ANSWER (18 March, 2009)
- ANSWER (18 March, 2009)
- ANSWERS (18 March, 2009)
- ANSWER (18 March, 2009)
Inflammatory bowel disease
- Functional characterisation of decoy receptor 3 in Crohn’s disease (27 November, 2008)
Colorectal cancer
Biliary tract
Case report
- JournalScan (18 March, 2009)
Recent advances in basic science
- Dietary modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (18 November, 2008)
Recent advances in clinical practice
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in autoimmune disorders (18 March, 2009)
- Pregnancy: a risk factor for Budd–Chiari syndrome? (18 March, 2009)
- Certolizumab use in pregnancy (18 March, 2009)
- Statistics, damned statistics and time to intervene (18 March, 2009)
- Authors’ response (18 March, 2009)
- Germline variants of IRGM in childhood-onset Crohn’s disease (18 March, 2009)
Book review
- Vibrio cholerae: genomics and molecular biology (18 March, 2009)