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The changing world of inflammatory bowel disease: impact of generation, gender and global trends
  1. David S Rampton
  1. Correspondence to Professor David S Rampton, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Endoscopy Unit, Royal London Hospital, London E1 1BB, UK; d.rampton{at}

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Edited by EJ Scherl, MC Dubinski, Published by Slack Inc, Thorofare, New Jersey, USA, 2009, pp 267, £70 (Hardback). ISBN-978-1-55642-841-8

How the expression of chronic diseases differs in people of varying ages, sex and ethnicity may tell us something about their cause: it certainly influences their management. I saw this intriguing title on the Amazon website a few weeks ago, and was delighted to be spared the decision as to whether or not to buy it by being sent a free copy for review.

The Changing World of Inflammatory Bowel Disease’ is medium sized, concise and selective in its coverage. Most of its chapters are written by well-known inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) specialists. The first section provides overviews of the epidemiology of IBD in the west and …

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