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Aravind SugumarMichael J LevyTerumi KamisawaGeorge J M WebsterMyung-Hwan KimFelicity EndersZahir AminTodd H BaronMike H ChapmanNicholas I ChurchJonathan E ClainNaoto EgawaGavin J JohnsonKazuichi OkazakiRandall K PearsonStephen P PereiraBret T PetersenSamantha ReadRaghuwansh P SahNeomal S SandanayakeNaoki TakahashiMark D TopazianKazushige UchidaSanthi Swaroop VegeSuresh T Chari
Gut 2010; 60 666-670 Published Online First: 03 Dec 2010. doi: 10.1136/gut.2010.207951