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PWE-019 Patient Experiences of a Polyp Cancer in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
  1. H Miller1,2,
  2. J Sedgewick1
  1. 1School of Health and Social Care, Teesside University, Middlesbrough
  2. 2South of Tyne Bowel Cancer Screening Centre, Gateshead Health NHS Trust, Gateshead, UK


Introduction This study explores the experiences of patients in relation to their treatment modality to examine if there are any differences between patients who had endoscopic treatment vs. surgical treatment of a polyp carcinoma.

Methods 49 patients diagnosed with a polyp cancer through the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (NHSBCSP). 24 patients (endoscopic management) and 25 patients (surgical management). A mixed-method, two-phase explanatory sequential design was employed. Phase One used mailed, EQ5D5L quality of life questionnaires to identify any general quality of life issues between surgical and endoscopic groups. Phase Two comprised of face-to-face, in-depth interviews to explore the patient experience in more detail.

Results A difference in QoL issues surrounding self-care was identified during phase 1 (p < 0.016). Phase 2 highlighted that patients had little or no awareness of the NHSBCSP prior to participation. Most patients were provided with treatment options and felt involved in the decision-making process. Those managed surgically (n = 3) had regular contact and support from surgical and colorectal nursing teams whilst endoscopic patients (n = 2) only had a single point of contact. All patients (n = 5) experienced feelings of shock, disbelief and fear following diagnosis with particular focus upon fear of a colostomy (surgical patients n = 3) and fear of cancer recurrence (n = 5).

Conclusion Patients diagnosed with a polyp carcinoma experience the same fears and anxieties despite treatment modality however, follow-up care and support differs significantly for the two groups with surgically managed patients being provided with more professional, clinical support than their endoscopically managed counterparts.

Disclosure of Interest None Declared.

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