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OC-058 Bile Acid Malabsorption: “The Unusual Suspect”. A very Frequent Cause for Diarrhoea after Treatment for many different Cancer Types
  1. F Phillips1,1,
  2. A Muls1,
  3. J Andreyev1
  1. 1The GI Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London & Surrey, UK


Introduction Approximately 16,000 patients per year are left with a chronic change in bowel function and gastrointestinal symptoms following treatment for cancer. This can have a significant impact upon quality of life and even compromise on-going cancer therapy. Previous small studies focusing mainly on patients with gynaecological cancers suggest that bile acid malabsorption (BAM) may be an important cause of radiotherapy-induced diarrhoea. This retrospective study aims to elucidate the prevalence of BAM in patients referred to a specialist gastroenterology clinic which treats patients with consequences of cancer treatments.

Methods Patients referred to our clinic are managed using a peer reviewed algorithm. If they report diarrhoea, defined as Bristol Stool Chart type 6–7, a routine referral for a SeHCAT (75-selenium homocholic acid taurine) scan is made to exclude BAM. BAM is diagnosed when the SeHCAT 7 day retention is < 15% and is graded mild (10–15%), moderate (5–10%) and severe (< 5%).

Results Between 2009–2012, 262 patients were referred for a SeHCAT scan. 139 (53.1%) were male (median age 66, range 32–89) and 123 (46.9%) female (median age 61, range 20–86). 79 (37%) patients had been treated for gynaecological, 94 (44%) for urological, 41 (19%) for anorectal and 30 (11%) for upper gastrointestinal tract cancers. A further 18 (7%) were treated for other cancer types (breast, lung and haematological). BAM was diagnosed in 24 patients (25%) treated for urological cancers, with 17% (n = 4) having severe BAM. 46 patients (58%) treated for gynaecological cancers had BAM, severe in 57% (n = 26). BAM was diagnosed in 22 patients (54%) treated for anorectal cancers, with 55% having severe BAM (n = 12). In 15 patients (50%) treated for upper GI cancers, the majority (73%) had severe BAM (n = 11). For patients with other cancer types, BAM was diagnosed in 8 patients (44%) with severe BAM in 2 of these (25%).

Conclusion The frequency of severe bile acid malabsorption and its impact on quality of life is poorly appreciated amongst those who treat cancer. BAM is a common problem in patients treated for a wide variety of cancers with a number of different treatment modalities. Given the effectiveness of dietary fat manipulation combined with a new generation of bile acid sequestrants, SeHCAT scanning should be a first line in investigating patients with diarrhoea after cancer therapies.

Disclosure of Interest None Declared

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