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PTU-142 High Prevalence Of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (gists): A Case Series In Uk Secondary Care
  1. C Shekhar,
  2. NC Fisher
  1. Gastroenterology, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, UK


Introduction Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GISTs) are mesenchymal tumours, predominantly affecting the GI tract. Diagnosis and classification require specialist review and there are few published data on the incidence of GIST in the UK. Reported incidences elsewhere vary between 6.5/ million/ year in Norway and 14.5/ million/year in Sweden.1,2 We have analysed our caseload of GISTs in a UK secondary care setting with a population of approx 350,000, in order to estimate incidence and review outcomes.

Methods A retrospective case note reviews of all patients with GIST, as identified from upper GI cancer MDT minutes, from 2008 to 2012 inclusive (5 years). The diagnosis of GIST was considered valid if characteristic imaging and/ or pathological features were verified by CT scanning, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) needle aspiration/ biopsy and/ or surgical resection.

Results We identified 28 cases with a final diagnosis of GIST. The observed incidence varied between 4 and 8/ year, and estimated annual incidence was calculated at 16/million/year. The age range was 28–91 years (M 12, F16). Nineteen cases (68%) presented with signs or symptoms of GI blood loss; five (18%) with other GI symptoms and remaining cases were found incidentally. GIST size at presentation ranged from 1cm to 20cm in diameter. One case had metastasised at the time of diagnosis. EUS was used for diagnosis and staging in 15 cases; 13 had fine needle aspiration, of which 10/13 were diagnostic. 22 cases underwent resection surgery. 6 cases were treated with Imatinib (Glivec).

Conclusion Our review suggests a higher than expected incidence of GISTs in this population compared with other published series.2,3 Most cases present with GI blood loss and surgery is curative in most cases. The incidence of GISTs in the UK is deserving of further study.


  1. Cancer Eidemiol 2011 Dec;35(6):515–20

  2. Cancer 2005 Feb 15;103(4):821–9

Disclosure of Interest None Declared.

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