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PTU-090 10 Year Retrospective Review Of Abdominal Tuberculosis From A London Teaching Hospital: Age, Ethnicity And Hiv Status
  1. JS Nayagam1,
  2. C Mullender2,
  3. A Poullis1,
  4. C Cosgrove2
  1. 1Gastroenterology and Hepatology, St George’s Hospital, London, UK
  2. 2Clinical Infection Unit, St George’s Hospital, London, UK


Introduction Although tuberculosis (TB) rates in United Kingdom have plateaued in recent years, areas with large high risk non-UK born population, which are predominantly centred in large urban areas, still have a high prevalence of TB. Extra-pulmonary TB, including abdominal TB, is much more common in non-UK born than in UK born population. The highest rate of TB in UK born is in the over 75 years of age population. Abdominal TB can mimic Crohn’s disease and should always be considered as part of the differential diagnosis. We sought to review the demographics of patients with abdominal tuberculosis in a large urban teaching hospital in London.

Methods A retrospective review of patients treated at St George’s Hospital, London, for abdominal TB from June 2003 to August 2013 was conducted. Information was gained from electronic patient records and the hospital’s tuberculosis database.

Results 65 cases of abdominal TB were identified. Average age was 42 years (range 18–97). 49.2% females and 50.8% males. Ethnicity and mean ages are outlined in Table 1.

The mean age of European Caucasians was significantly older than from combined black and minority ethnic (BME) groups (72.4 v 39.5, p = 0.016). The number of cases over the 10 year period has remained stable, with an average of 6.5 per year (range 4–10). 13.85% were HIV positive. all in BME patients (1 South Asian, 8 Africans).

Abstract PTU-090 Table 1

Conclusion Abdominal TB remains an active disease in London, affecting a wide range of ages and ethnicities, with the majority of patients South Asian and African, in accordance with national data. It should be considered as a differential in all patients, but particularly those who are at high risk. It presents as a disease of elderly Europeans and young BME groups. A significant number of BME group patients have HIV infection.

Disclosure of Interest None Declared.

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