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PWE-406 The benefits of a designated list for advanced polypectomy training
  1. MT Pettman
  1. Digestive Diseases, Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham, UK


Introduction Aim: To improve polypectomy skills and reduce number of patients having to return to the unit for therapuetic procedure.

Accessing endoscopy lists for advanced therapuetic training can be challenging. These designated lists are limited and often over subscribed. This study investigated the benefits of attending such a list on a regular basis to help improve the advanced polypectomy skills of a Nurse Endoscopist (NE).

Method The NE attended 1 therapuetic training session per week over a 4 month period. The trainer was a senior surgical endoscopist. The list consisted of approximately 4 therapuetic procedures per list. There were no other trainees present. Data was collected on all the procedures performed by the NE 7 months prior to the end point of this training and 7 months after.

Results 505 colonoscopies were performed in the 14 month period. 195 polyps were detected, 110 polyps before the end point of training (group A) and 85 after (group B). 13 polyps (11%) (adjusted 8 (6.3%)) in group A were not removed. Adjusted figures exclude 5 polyps where patients were on warfarin or needed full bowel preparation. 8 polyps (9%) (adjusted 4 (4.7%)) polyps in group B were not removed. Chi Squared (0.547)

Conclusion Whilst there is an increase in the rate of successful polypectomy in group B there is insufficient data, thus far, to demonstrate a statistically significant improvement. Data collection will continue but this paper is published in the hope that other such research can be aggregated to such a point that statistical significance can be established.

Disclosure of interest None Declared.

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