Table of contents
December 1968 - Volume 9 - 6
Research Article
- Perfusion studies in relation to intestinal absorption. (1 December, 1968)
- Cell-mediated immune reaction to colon altered by bacteria. (1 December, 1968)
- Presence of a non-adrenergic inhibitory system in the human colon. (1 December, 1968)
- Gastrin, acid, and bile. (1 December, 1968)
- Effects of SC 15396 on gastric secretion. 3. The action in the rat. (1 December, 1968)
- Case of leiomyosarcoma of the duodenum and a review of the literature. (1 December, 1968)
- Adrenergic fibres in the human intestine. (1 December, 1968)
- Insulin potentiation of the augmented histamine response. (1 December, 1968)
- The effect of vagotomy on the human gastrooesophageal sphincter. (1 December, 1968)
- Incidence of hiatus hernia in asymptomatic subjects. (1 December, 1968)
- Hyperparathyroidism associated with chronic pancreatitis in a family. (1 December, 1968)
- Bromsulphthalein metabolism in acute alcoholic liver disease. (1 December, 1968)
- Folic acid malabsorption in cardiac failure. (1 December, 1968)
- The stomach in iron-deficiency anaemia. (1 December, 1968)
- The British Society of Gastroenterology (1 December, 1968)