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The European Consensus on ulcerative colitis: new horizons?
  1. Eduard F Stange (eduard.stange{at}
  1. Robert Bosch Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
    1. Simon PL Travis (simon.travis{at}
    1. John Radcliffe Hospital, United Kingdom


      A European consensus on anything is not easy to achieve, and IBD is no exception. The European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), has now published the Consensus on the management of ulcerative colitis [1-3] to complement the highly successful Crohn's disease Consensus, which became the most downloaded papers from Gut in 2007 [4-6]. A further European Consensus on opportunistic infections and IBD will be published in 2008 and an update of the Crohn's Consensus presented at UEGW in Vienna, are the product of a formal process - and hence the capital C in Consensus.

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