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Use of automatic computerised pump to maintain constant intragastric pH.
  1. A Hannan,
  2. I Chesner,
  3. H S Merki,
  4. S Mann,
  5. R P Walt
  1. Department of Medicine, University of Birmingham.


    We used continuous variable rate infusions of famotidine in eight normal volunteers under fasting conditions to raise intragastric pH to 5.0. An intragastric glass electrode continuously monitored acidity and this information was automatically computed to regulate an intravenous infusion system (GastroJet). The computer was programmed to aim for pH 6.0, increasing and lowering infusion rates accordingly. Two regimens were compared with placebo (10 mg bolus followed by infusion or infusion of famotidine alone). Volunteers were admitted to an investigation ward and each study was preceded by a standard normal meal. Hydration was maintained with intravenous fluids. During placebo treatment the median pH was 1.5 and the pH was less than 5.0 for 98% of the time. All volunteers responded to famotidine but dosage requirements varied (range 41 mg to 126 mg). The median pH rose to 6.5 when infusions of famotidine followed boluses and to 6.6 when infusions alone were used - the pH was less than 5.0 for 20% and 16% of the time respectively (p less than 0.05 Wilcoxon compared with placebo). Mean drug use was greater with boluses (98 mg v 87 mg p = 0.03: paired Student's t test) and onset was not apparently faster. Blood famotidine concentrations followed infusion rate changes. Famotidine infused by GastroJet maintains a high fasting intragastric pH and priming boluses are probably unnecessary.

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