Table 1

Numbers of the different classes of bolus transport events (BTEs) determined during 90 minutes after the test meal. Data are given as median (range) and per cent (range)

Short distance propulsive BTEs Simple long distance propulsive BTEs Complex long distance propulsive BTEs Retrograde BTEs Total number of BTEs
Diabetic patients (n=10)121-150 (8–21) 52.51-150 (32–78) 7.5 (4–12) 9.5 (6–15) 80.51-150 (57–108)
17% (11–22)62%1-150 (55–71)8%1-150 (5–14)13%1-150 (8–19)100%
Control subjects (n=10)24 (11–31) 84 (60–112) 5.5 (4–10) 7 (6–10) 117 (91–160)
18% (5–24)70% (61–81)5% (3–7)7% (4–10)100%
  • 1-150 p<0.05 v control subjects.