Table 1

Causes of dysphagia in the elderly

Oropharyngeal Oesophageal
StructuralNeoplasmsPeptic stricture
InfectionsRings and webs
Zenker’s diverticulumNeoplasm
Vertebral osteophytosisVascular compression
Reflux or drug induced oesophageal injury
FunctionalCerebrovascular accidentAchalasia
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosisDiffuse oesophageal spasm and related disorders
Multiple sclerosisIdiopathic aperistalsis
Brainstem neoplasmScleroderma
Peripheral neuropathiesParkinson’s disease
Muscular dystrophiesDrug induced oesophageal dysfunction
Parkinson’s disease
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Myasthenia gravis
Cricopharyngeal dysfunction
Metabolic myopathy (e.g. thyroid dysfunction, hypercalcemia)
Idiopathic neuromuscular dysfunction