Table 1

Main features of patients with fulminant hepatic failure according to the presence or absence of HGV RNA sequences in serum

Total (n=68) Present (n=13) Absent (n=55)
Age (y)30  (13)29  (11)30  (14)
Sex (M/F)32/368/524/31
Presumed source of infection
Intravenous drug abuse186 (33%)12 (66%)
Sexual113 (27%)8 (73%)
Unknown394 (10%)35 (90%)
Presumed aetiology
HAV30 3 (100%)
HBV256 (24%)19 (76%)
HBV/HDV125 (42%)7 (58%)
HCV20 2 (100%)
Miscellaneous non-viral70 7 (100%)
Idiopathic192 (11%)17 (89%)
Clinical presentation
Hyperacute264 (15%)22 (85%)
Acute304 (13%)26 (87%)
Subacute125 (42%)7 (58%)
Final outcome
Recovery94 (44%)5 (56%)
Death215 (24%)16 (76%)
Liver transplantation384 (11%)34 (89%)