Table 3

Arterial gas tensions, alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, arterial oxygen saturation, and pH in the 142 patients without and the 21 patients with hepatic encephalopathy

Patients without encephalopathy Patients with encepathopathy
Child class A (n=41) Child class B (n=57) Child class C (n=44) Child classes B and C (n=21)
Arterial O2 tension (Po 2) (kPa) (9.6–13.7)5-152 11.3 (9.0–15.0)10.8 (8.1–14.6)10.6 (8.0–16.3)* 10.6 (5.5–15.7)*
Arterial O2 saturation (So 2) (%) (92–99)5-152 96 (92–100)96 (90–100)96 (91–100)93 (68–98)
Alveolar-arterial O2 gradient (AaPo 2) (kPa)2.6 (0–4.9)3.4 (0–5.8)* 3.9 (0–6.5)* 4.5 (0–10.5)*
Arterial CO2 tension (Pco 2) (kPa) (4.7–6.0)5-152 4.93 (3.38–6.20)4.70 (3.60–5.80)4.45 (3.30–5.50)* 4.46 (2.40–8.80)*
Arterial pH (units) (7.36–7.44)5-152 7.40 (7.33–7.47)7.43 (7.34–7.50)7.45 (7.37–7.53)* 7.45 (7.23–7.63)*
  • Results are expressed as mean (range).

  • Significance of differences between groups: *p<0.05 vChild class A; p<0.05 v Child class B.

  • 5-152 Normal values are given in parentheses.