Table 1

Comparison of symptoms and gastric sensory testing in patients with functional dyspepsia, organic dyspepsia and controls

Functional dyspepsia (n=23) Organic dyspepsia (n=10) Controls (n=15)
Effect on life (1–10)1-152 6.2 (1)6.9 (1)NA
Pain severity (1–4)1-152 3.1 (1)3.1 (1)NA
Exacerbated by food6/17 (35%)3/7 (43%)NA
Early saity15/19 (79%)4/7 (57%)NA
Weight loss (>3.18 kg)10/19 (55%)2/7 (37%)NA
Nausea a primary complaint11/18 (61%) 0/8 (0%)NA
Nausea weekly11/20 (55%)2/7 (28%)NA
Vomiting weekly7/21 (33%)3 (37%)NA
GORD six weekly6/20 (30%)1/6 (17%)NA
Insomnia12/17 (71%)5/8 (62%)NA
Hypersensitive16/23 (65%)*** 0/10 (0%)0 (0%)
Normal referral12/23 (52%)** 2/10 (20%)0 (0%)
Either20/23 (87%)*** 2/10 (20%)0 (0%)
Symptoms reproduced by balloon distension13/19 (68%)1-150 3/10 (30%)NA
  • 1-150 p<0.05 v organic dyspepsia; **p<0.01v controls; ***p<0.001 v organic dyspepsia and controls; p<0.01 v organic dyspepsia.

  • 1-152 Results expressed as mean (SEM).

  • GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.