Table 2

Classification of the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ), demographic data, Helicoabcter pylori status, and prevalence of intestinal metaplasia at the SCJ

Group I (n = 315) Group II (eccentric SCJ) (n = 60) Group II (tongues of Barrett’s oesophagus) (n = 32) Group II (segments of Barrett’s oesophagus) (n = 16) p Value (χ2)
Age (y)52.2 (16.2)54.8 (14.8)59.1 (14.1)62.6 (9.4)0.005
No of men148 (47)35 (58.3)24 (75)13 (81.3)0.0004
H pylori positive156 (49.5)22 (36.7)15 (46.9)6 (37.5)NS
Intestinal metaplasia3-150 42 (13.4)9 (15)14 (43.8)14 (87.5)<0.0001
  • Values are expressed as number (%) except for age which is expressed as mean (SD).

  • 3-150 Intestinal metaplasia found in biopsy specimens from the SCJ.

  • p values are for comparison of patients from group I with those from group II as a whole.