Table 2

Interferon γ (IFN-γ) release in both unstimulated and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) preactivated lamina propria T lymphocytes (LPLs) and autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) after 24 hours of culture

IFN-γ secretion (pg/ml)
StimulusUnstimulated LPLsPHA stimulated LPLsUnstimulated PBLsPHA stimulated PBLs
Medium alone016  (4.1)023  (3.0)
Anti-CD2 antibody430  (40)500 (40)320  (10)2500 (84)
Anti-CD28 antibody28 (3.5)30 (5)20 (7.0)34 (2.2)
  • Results are expressed as mean (SD) from six representative experiments.

  • Cells were cultured with or without the initial addition of anti-CD2 (1:1000 final dilution) or anti-CD28 antibody (at a final concentration 1 μg/ml).