Table 7

Sensory and motor responses to rectal distension

IBS+ (n=16)IBS− (n=16)Controls (n=16)
Mean (SD) age, years43.4 (18.0)40.3 (15.6)32.1 (9.1)
No of female subjects (%)11 (69)11 (69)11 (69)
Wind30 (10–40)20 (20–40)20 (20–40)
Desire to defaecate40 (40–60)** 50 (40–74)** 80 (60–100)
Urgency80 (60–95)** 80 (80–150)150 (100–200)
Discomfort125 (80–150)** 150 (112–200)200 (150–250)
Repetitive rectal contractions30 (10–40)** 40 (20–40)13-150 70 (35–113)
Rectal compliance, ml/cm H2O 2.7 (1.8–3.7)** 2.9 (1.9–5.0)13-150 5.0 (3.1–6.4)
  • Results are presented as the median (interquartile range) threshold volumes of distension (ml of air) required to induce the reported response.

  • 13-150 p<0.05, **p<0.01 versus normal controls. There were no significant differences between IBS+ and IBS− patients.