Table 3

Frequency of increased iron indexes in heterozygotes

Genotype No of subjects Raised transferrin saturation5-151(>50.5%) Raised serum ferritin concentration5-152 (M >428, F >302 μg/l)
Compound heterozygosity195 (26.3)*** 3 (15.8)5-160
C282Y heterozygous12111 (9.1)5-160 11 (9.1)***
H63D heterozygous24024 (10.0)*** 10 (4.2)
Normal (noHFE mutation)65521 (3.2)16 (2.4)
  • Results are expressed as number (%).

  • 5-151 Mean transferrin saturation of the normal (no HFE gene mutation) genotype group plus two standard deviations.

  • 5-152 97.5th percentile for serum ferritin concentration for male and female subjects without an HFE gene mutation.

  • 5-160 p<0.01, ***p<0.001.