Table 4

Definitions of local, organ, and metabolic complications of severe acute pancreatitis

Local and organ complications
ShockPulse >100/min and systolic blood pressure <80 mm Hg for more than 10 minutes
SepsisLeucoctyes >12 g/l or <4 g/l; platelets <100 g/l; body temperature >38.5°C; positive blood culture; metabolic acidosis (base excess greater than −4 mmol/l) (4 of 5 criteria required)
Pulmonary insufficiencyArterial Po 2 <8 kPa (60 mm Hg) (despite 4 litres O2/min via nasal tube) or need for mechanical ventilation
Renal insufficiencyIncrease in serum creatinine to more than twice the normal value
PeritonitisIntraoperative finding of suppurative intra-abdominal infection
HaemorrhageGastrointestinal and/or intra-abdominal bleeding requiring ⩾4 units
Abscess/infected pancreatic necrosisPus collection or infected fluid shown by ultrasound or CT guided fine needle aspiration and microbiological culture, or by (re)laparotomy
Fluid collectionFluid collection with an extent of 5×5 cm or more on sonography or CT
Ileus/subileusClinical or radiological signs of intestinal paralysis or obstruction
Metabolic complications
HypocalcaemiaCalcium ⩽2.0 mmol/l
CoagulopathyProthrombin time <70% and/or partial thromboplastin time >45 seconds
HyperglycaemiaBlood glucose level >8.4 mmol/l
Metabolic acidosisBase excess greater than −4.0 mmol/l
JaundiceTotal serum bilirubin >20 μmol/l
EncephalopathyNeuropsychiatric symptoms, abnormal electroencephalogram (except alcoholic delirium)