Table 1

Indications for EUS guided biopsy

IndicationsPatients (n)Location of primary lesion
Clinically suspicious for cancer (no primary histopathological diagnosis)182Pancreas 119, lung 37, mediastinum 18, ampulla 3, perirectal 3, stomach 2
Locoregional staging of confirmed cancer105NSCLC 45, oesophagus 39, pancreas 20, hepatoma 1
Suspected tumour recurrence15Genitourinary 8, rectum 3, oesophagus 1, gall bladder 1, breast 1, head/neck 1
Pancreatic pseudocysts10
Submucosal lesions5Stomach 3, oesophagus 2
  • NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer.