Table 3

Changes in pressure, length, and position of the gastro-oesophageal junction high pressure zone caused by Müller manoeuvre

Normal subjectsHiatus hernia
HPZ 1 (proximal) HPZ 2 (hiatal)
Intragastric pressure change (mm Hg)10 (2)8 (1)
Distal oesophageal pressure change (mm Hg)−5 (2.0)−5 (1.5)
Increase in maximal pressure (mm Hg)27 (1.3)−3 (0.2)5-150 24 (1.4)
Length change of high pressure zone (cm)−0.8 (0.2)0.4 (0.1)5-150 0.3 (0.1)5-150
Movement of locus of maximal pressure (cm)−2.2 (0.5)−0.6 (0.2)5-150 −1.8 (0.4)
Movement of squamocolumnar junction (cm)−1.1 (0.3)−0.4 (0.2)5-150
Movement of hiatal centre (cm)−1.7 (0.4)−1.8 (0.4)
  • Changes in the hiatus hernia patients were measured both within the proximal high pressure zone (HPZ 1) and the hiatal canal (HPZ 2).

  • All values are mean (SEM).

  • 5-150 p<0.05 versus normal; p<0.05 versus movement of HPZ 2.