Table 1

Amplitudes and corresponding transmural potential difference (PD) deflections of 47 isolated contractions with an amplitude exceeding 15 mm Hg in five subjects

MMC period n Contraction amplitude PD deflection Ratio
Phase I-II1726 (3)−0.22 (0.04)−8.5 (1.7)
Late phase II3037 (3)1-150 −0.43 (0.06)1-150 −13.9 (2.0)
All4733 (2)−0.36 (0.04)−11.9 (1.5)
  • See Materials and Methods for definitions. Contraction amplitudes are given in mm Hg, PD deflections in mV (lumen negative polarity), and the ratios as μV/mm Hg. Values are mean (SEM).

  • 1-150 p<0.05, significant difference between migrating motor complex (MMC) periods.