Table 2

Neuropsychological status of the patients studied prior to positron emmission tomography

Patient Mental grade Asterixis NCT A NCT B Digit copying Digit symbol EEG mcf
11+1+3585133656 cps
22+1+10524091306.5 cps
31+010719570437.5 cps
41+090180133659 cps
51+2+4619095468 cps
62+2+11525098668.5 cps
  • Mental grade according to West Haven criteria: 0, no abnormality; 1+, trivial lack of awareness; 2+, lethargy and disorientation.16

  • Asterixis grades: 0, none; 1+, rare flapping motion; 2+, occasional, irregular flapping motion.16

  • NCT, number connection test A and B. Normal range for NCT A: up to 35 seconds; NCT B: up to 81 seconds.

  • EEG mcf, mean cycle frequency (normal range more than 8.9 cycles per second).

  • Digit copying and digit symbol tests. Normal range for digit copying: score in two minutes, more than 95; digit symbol: number completed in two minutes, more than 55.