Table 2

Effect of cannabinoids on transit of an orally administered non-absorbable marker through the small intestine of fasted mice

Marker Cannabinoid Route and time of administration Dose or potency Effect on transit2-150 Ref
Charcoal (30 min)Δ9-THCsc immediately after marker10 or 30 mg/kg−34% 42 43
Δ8-THC30 mg/kg−18%
Charcoal (15 min)Δ9-THCpo at 45 min before markerLED=5 mg/kg−31.5% 44
CBNLED=10 mg/kg−15.8%
Charcoal (15 min)Δ9-THCpo at 45 min before markerED50=20 mg/kgInhibition 45
Δ8-THCED50=13.5 mg/kgInhibition
Charcoal (15 min)Δ9-THCpo at 45 min before marker10 mg/kg−58% 46
Charcoal (15 min)Δ9-THCpo at 45 min before markerLED=5 mg/kg−26% 47
Radioactive markerΔ9-THCiv, po or icvED50=1.3 mg/kg (iv)Inhibition 39
(35 min)CBNimmediately before markerED50=12 mg/kg (iv)Inhibition
NabiloneED50=1.6 mg/kg (po)Inhibition
Δ9-THCED50=31.6 μg/mouse (iv)Inhibition
Δ9-THCED50=26.3 μg/mouse (icv)Inhibition
Charcoal (20 min)AEA2-151 sc at 60 min before markerED50=0.25 mg/kgInhibition 48
PEA10 mg/kgNo effect
Carmine (20 min)(+)-WIN2-151 ip at 20 min before markerLED=0.25 mg/kgca. −30% 49
Charcoal (20 min)(+)-WIN2-151 ip at 20 min before markerLED=0.3 mg/kg−34% 50
Charcoal (20 min)(+)-WIN2-151 ip at 20 min before markerED50=169 nmol/mouseInhibition 51
CBN2-151 ED50=2760 nmol/mouseInhibition
(+)-WIN2-151 icv at 20 min before markerED50=104 nmol/mouseInhibition
CBN2-151 ED50=1829 nmol/mouseInhibition
Charcoal (20 min)2-152 (+)-WIN2-151 ip at 20 min before markerED50=68 nmol/mouseInhibition 51
CBN2-151 ED50=1681 nmol/mouseInhibition
(+)-WINicv at 20 min before markerED50=74 nmol/mouseInhibition
  • Time after administration of the non-absorbable marker at which the mice were killed is shown in paraentheses.

  • sc, subcutaneously; iv, intravenously; po, orally; icv, intracerebroventricularly.

  • LED, lowest effective dose investigated; AEA, anandamide; CBD, cannabidiol; CBN, cannabinol; PEA, palmitylethanolamide; WIN, WIN55212.

  • 2-150 Compared with vehicle control.

  • 2-151 Antagonised by SR141716A at 1 mg/kg sc,48 0.62 mg/kg ip,49 0.3 mg/kg ip,50 or 16 nmol/mouse ip.51

  • 2-152 Experiments performed with mice exhibiting croton oil induced diarrhoea.