Table 4

Red blood cell (RBC) 6-thioguanine nucleotide (6-TGN) concentrations

Patient group No patients 6-TGN (pmol/8×108 RBCs)
All patients170Median 136
Mean (SD) 163 (99)
Range 12–564
Intermediate range TPMT activity4-150  23Median 282
Mean (SD) 253 (136)
High range TPMT activity4-150 141Median 130
Mean (SD) 151 (84)4-160
Patients with active disease (IBDQ <170) 56Median 139
Mean (SD) 178 (116)
Patients in clinical remission (IBDQ ⩾170)114Median 131
Mean (SD) 156 (89)
  • 4-150 Six patients did not undergo TPMT testing.

  • 4-160 Patients with intermediate TPMT activity levels were more likely to have high whole blood 6-TGN concentrations (p=0.002).

  • IBDQ, inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire.