Table 1

Baseline variables for patients in the two study groups

Terlipressin+ paracentesis group (n=10)Albumin+ paracentesis group (n=10)
Data are mean (SEM) or number of patients.
There were no significant differences between the two groups, except for age (p=0.03).
Age (y) 50 (2) 58 (2)
Male 8 8
Aetiology of cirrhosis
    Alcohol 8 9
    Hepatitis C virus 2 1
Serum bilirubin (μmol/l) 44 (13) 39 (5)
Serum albumin (g/l) 28.4 (2.0) 29.6 (2.0)
Prothrombin (%) 58 (5) 49 (3)
Pugh's score 9.4 (0.5) 9.6 (0.5)
Pugh's grade
    B 6 6
    C 4 4
Serum creatinine (μmol/l) 75 (9) 74 (4)
Serum sodium (mmol/l)135 (1)134 (1)