Table 1

Questions on faecal incontinence and impact of bowel symptoms in the postal questionnaire

Do you ever leak from your bowels when you don't mean to? (During the day or night)
    Several times a day
    Several times a week
    Several times a month
    Several times a year
When you leak from your bowels when you don't mean to is there usually:
    Soiling of furnishing or bedding
    Soiling of outer clothing
    Soiling of underwear
    Minor staining of underwear
    Not applicable (NA)
Do your bowel symptoms:
A lotA littleNot at all/NA
    Bother you?
    Cause you any physical discomfort?
    Interfere with your daily activities?
    Interfere with your social life?
    Affect your relationships with other people?
    Upset or distress you?
    Affect your sleep?
    Affect your overall quality of life?