Table 4

Bowel symptoms associated with a lot of impact on life (adjusting for age and sex)

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Faecal incontinence
    No/rare incontinence 1.00 1.00
    Minor incontinence 6.35 (3.97–10.15) 2.55 (1.41–4.59)
    Major incontinence34.37 (23.06–51.21)12.41 (7.46–20.65)
Pain in bladder or lower abdomen
    Never 1.00 1.00
    Most of the time/sometimes/occasionally21.63 (15.19–30.80) 5.87 (3.90–8.83)
Difficulty in delaying a bowel movement
    Never 1.00 1.00
    Most of the time/sometimes/occasionally 6.23 (4.71–8.25) 2.18 (1.56–3.04)
Has to strain when having a bowel movement
    Never 1.00
    Most of the time/sometimes/occasionally 3.17 (2.42–4.16)
Feels pain when having a bowel movement
    Never 1.00 1.00
    Most of the time/sometimes/occasionally11.57 (8.93–14.99) 2.70 (1.94–3.76)
Consistency of stools
    Firm or soft 1.00 1.00
    Hard 6.72 (5.23–8.63) 4.39 (3.15–6.13)
    Watery18.79 (13.20–26.75) 5.06 (3.15–8.15)
Frequency of bowel movement
    More than 3 times a day20.56 (14.71–28.76) 6.30 (4.07–9.78)
    1–3 times a day 1.00 1.00
    Once or more a week 2.06 (1.55–2.73) 1.14 (0.80–1.63)
    Less than once a week 8.23 (4.79–14.13) 3.17 (1.48–6.77)